
International Development Week

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Ecommerce or electronic commerce is the trading of goods and services on the internet. It is our bustling city center or brick-and-mortar shop translated into zeroes and ones on the internet superhighway.

E-commerce provides the sellers with a global reach. They remove the barrier of place (geography). Now sellers and buyers can meet in the virtual world, without the hindrance of location. Electronic commerce will substantially lower the transaction cost.

Companies can reach a wider audience.Companies have lower operational costs. Shopping from home is more convenient for the consumer. Consumers can easily comparison shop across different brand.

Keeping the above in mind, Nirwan University made a poster presentation on E-commerce

Activities on “International Development Week”

  • Small Skit by Commerce Students In this the students performed very well and gave information about E commerce and explained its importance and gave information about its types.
  • Poster Presentation In this, the students present the posters regarding the E- commerce and E-commerce process, functions, uses, benefits, issues and suggestions and top 10 sites.

The Hon’ble President, Esteemed Registrar, Controller of examination, Respected Joint Registrar, Associate deans and all the staff and all students were present the grace of this event. 30 faculties and 50 students were present in the event.

Here are the Glimpses of the event:

Nirwan University Jaipur

Near Bassi-Rajadhok Toll, Agra Road, Jaipur- 303305

City Office

21, Sahkar Marg, 1st Floor, Near 22 Godam Circle
Jaipur - 302019 Rajasthan

Nirwan University

Near Bassi-Rajadhok Toll, Village- Jhar, Agra Road, Jaipur - 303305 Rajasthan